Church Panchayat permits us to organize the following Programmes once in a year
- During summer holidays, in the 1st week of May, Vacation Bible School is conducted with the aid of eminent and expert resource persons invited from different parts of the country. Everyday around 300 children & 45 teachers regularly attend between 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM for one week.
- We provide CEFL Course ⁄literature to teachers and work book to children.
- Presently there are 10 Sunday school and 53 teachers and 386 children.
- At the end of the year Sunday School Picnic is arranged at a location outside Bhilai where children participate in a variety of games, Bible quiz etc.
- Teacher Seminar is also conducted with experts before Vacation Bible School.
- Classes are held for Beginner, Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior children according to age.
- Final Examination is held in the 1st week of December.
- Apart from prizes for Best , 1st , 2nd, 3rd and consolation prize , every child gets a general prize at the time of Christmas Tree Celebration.
At Present 10 Sunday are Conducted in Different Places
General Superintendant of Sunday School – Mr. Nabin Chandra Gardia
Place of
Sunday school |
Superitendant |
SECTOR-6 | 17
Astt.Supdt Astt.Supdt. |
Rev. S.Toppo
Mrs.S.J.Fisch Mrs.Amita Kumar |
CHARODA | 4 | Mrs.K.John |
KHURSIPAR | 5 | Mr.D.P.Graham |
JAMUL | 4 | Mrs.Hema Panga |
RAMNAGAR | 3 | Ku.Priyanka Randhawa |
NEHRU NAGAR | 4 | Mrs.Nisha James |
HOSPITAL SECTOR | 2 | Mrs.Rita Danial |
ADARSH NAGAR | 6 | Mrs.Sangita Sendur |
BORSI | 4 | Mrs. Manjusha K Dan |
RISALI | 4 | Mrs. Sujata Richard |
Total | 53 |
The Church Panchayat is strongly of the view that, Sunday Schools are the best medium through which Religious Education can be imparted from the childhood.
Attending regular school certainly enriches Children intellectually and helps them to be capable with a set of skills to make a place for themselves in the society and the world. However, regular modern schools of today have no credible answer that our children seek for strengthening their spiritual and moral health.
Attending Sunday school is quite different from attending regular classes in schools. We are all children of our Lord, none more so than you. The parents of our children are members of the church; the children too are important parts in the fellowship of our Lord. Attending a Sunday school class is the best way to get involved in the LIFE of our church.
Christian Community Church, Bhilai Nagar has been holding regular Sunday school classes in different localities since 1958 started by Mrs. Ellen Pannalall Wife of our Founder Pastor, Late Rev P. Pannalall. In fact many of our Sunday school teachers were once students themselves. And what wonderful teachers we have had! -teachers of a spiritual depth and instructional capability who welcome children in Sunday school classes which re full of laughter, life and hope. Our teachers strive to pour their hearts and Souls in teaching children and teenagers with the help of Bible Stories, Video film clips , Curricular resources , Crayons , Crackers , CD Music , Computer graphics , Flannel graphs, white Boards, Cookies, Cotton Balls , Popsicle sticks, Prayers and pipe cleaners.
Our teachers are sincerely trying to build a bridge for the children to journey into healthy spiritual adulthood. They also offer assurance of daily communion with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sunday school classroom time is important-because of the TEXTBOOK we use. The Bible is no ordinary book. And no Sunday school class session is an ordinary period of time. When the teacher reads the Bible, God speaks. When you bring this library of 66 books into a Sunday class and learn from it, you are dealing with the most unusual BOOK in the world, the most unusual MESSAGE in the world, and is spending the most important TIME in the world.
When someone learns from the Bible as you do each week in Sunday school , you are following JESUS’ example. You see Jesus didn’t just come to DIE FOR us. He also came to TEACH us how to LIVE.
In the Sunday school we have a Network of strong and supportive Relationship.
In future we shall be reaching out to other parents with the Gospel so that their children can learn how to lead a spiritual life by witnessing the example of their parents.
At the end we seek your Prayers for our Sunday school.

Our Church is Evangelical Church, Biggest Church in Chhattisgarh State (4000 + Memberships), More than 120 Church leaders, Independent Church members from all Regions serving Lord from more than 55 years.
Sector VI,
Bhilai, Chhattisgarh
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